Posts tagged FOG Ordinance
Roseville, Minnesota Introduces FOG Ordinance

The city of Roseville, Minnesota urges preventative measures for drains at all food establishments. “Fats, Oils and Grease or FOG Best Management Practices are the most effective and practicable means of controlling, preventing and minimizing the discharge of FOG into the City’s sanitary sewer system including the installation of devices, device maintenance, training or any other practice that reduces FOG.”

You can be sure these requests are met with our Drain Protection Plan.


City of Minneapolis FOG Ordinance

“Simply putting oils and grease down the drain can restrict the flow of water and sewage in the city's pipes, potentially leading to foul backups that can spew out sewage into the basements of homes and commercial buildings, or out of street manholes.” Bring Me the MN News reports on Minneapolis’ new ordinance in effort to combat costly repairs that could be passed on to you as a business owner.


Fighting the Fat

Cities across Minnesota have been getting more aggressive in recent years about diverting fats, oils and greases from the sewers — where it is costly to remove and causes dangerous backups. Minneapolis is now preparing its own ordinance requiring restaurants to collect their fat before it leaves the premises.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports on how the Twin Cities are fighting the build up on FOG in city sewers.